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The secret is out! More and more people are discovering the benefits and delights of living in Ipswich. Ipswich is now the fastest growing council in Queensland and the 6th fastest council area in Australia.


Our challenge as a community and city is to ensure this is sustainable growth.  That is, it’s growth that benefits us all, not a select few.


Sustainable growth is a balanced expansion that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. It involves responsible resource use, environmental stewardship, and social equity, ensuring long-term viability while minimising negative impacts on the society, environment and economy.

1. Cost of Living & Affordability

10 free tip vouchers per year

Introduce 10 free ‘tip vouchers’ per year from 2027. Each household will receive ten 100-kilogram vouchers for general waste or uncontaminated green waste. A maximum of 10 vouchers can be used for one load.


We have outgrown our two transfer stations at Riverview and Rosewood they are not able to cope with the huge increase of traffic and use if tip vouchers were introduced now. In 2021 Council committed to investigating the use of ‘tip vouchers’ when the new resource recovery centres are open.  The Southern Resource Recovery Centre is scheduled and budgeted to be built in 2026-27.


10 free pool vouchers per year

Introduce ten free family pool vouchers each year for each household for use at council owned pools in Bundamba, Leichhardt, Goodna and Rosewood. Orion Lagoon will continue to be a fee free facility. Council owned pools are currently managed by contractors, these vouchers will allow families to use council pools free of charge though our hottest months and improve swimming safety and skills.


Claim $8 million ex gratia payment from the State government

Ipswich residents have had to spend $8 million on legal and other fees over the last four years fighting non-compliant and expanding waste companies. Over 42% of Queensland’s waste is dumped in privately owned landfill sites in Ipswich. This is an unfair and unique burden on the people of Ipswich. No other parts of Queensland are dealing with this costly and unique issue.


Council rates, fees and charges

This Council has consistently minimised rate rises and introduced a part-pension rates concession in 2022. Of the last five budgets, four had rate rises below inflation.  In July 2022, the Courier Mail published analysis showing that ICC has the best value rates in South East Queensland, Ipswich tops list for best overall council rates and charges deal. I commit to:


  • Continuing the part-pension rates concession that was introduced by this Council in 2022

  • Continue to improving the efficiency of council services to keep the cost of council services down.


Free and low cost activities website

Publish a website with an interactive list of free and low cost activities run by Ipswich City Council and other groups.


Maintain accessible green spaces and recreational facilities

Providing cost-effective options for sport and leisure activities and enhancing the overall quality of life.

Cost of Living

2. Fair share for Ipswich

Boost Advocacy Program

Deliver an expanded advocacy program to receive our fair share of State and Federal government funding. Councils receive 3% of all taxation collected in Australia. The Federal and State governments receive 97% of all taxes. 


Ipswich is Queensland’s fastest growing council yet Ipswich does not receive it’s fair share of funding for essential infrastructure. We have been short-changed for a long time.  I will focus our advocacy efforts for the following projects:


Develop an Ipswich Sports Development Proposal

To secure State and Federal government funding for grass roots sporting infrastructure. We have a great lifestyle in Ipswich and we love our sport. Council released Active Ipswich Strategy 2031 in 2021 to document and plan for the large shortfall we have in grass roots sporting facilities.  With our growth, this will only become more pressing.


When council was under administration a study was conducted in 2018-19 on the investment is made by SEQ councils in sporting facilities.  Ipswich has a low level of sporting clubs that own their own facilities. As a result, the study showed that ICC owns and manages many facilities and spends an operating budget of $190 per resident per year on providing sporting facilities. The next highest in SEQ council was $44 per resident per year.


Similarly, with capital investment over ten years, ICC spent $616 per resident per year, the next highest SEQ council was $244 per resident per year.


I support continuing the current spend of around $200 per resident per year in our operating budget however we have missed out on substantial State and Federal funding to build grass roots sporting facilities for a long time and this is impacting the liveability and  costs to residents.


We need a strong proposal to cater for the shortfall and for the growth, for sustainable growth, in our community.


The Ipswich Sports Development Proposal will outline the prioritised needs of the city.  For example, we know we desperately need:

  • Synthetic athletics track

  • Large multi purpose indoor sporting facility in a central location

  • New aquatic centre / pool in south east of city

  • New sports complex with minimum of 12 rectangular fields in Ripley

  • Upgrade of the Tivoli Sport Complex

  • Upgrade the sports facility at Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve

  • Replace pool at Rosewood Aquatic Centre with a 50m outdoor pool

Rural roads commitment

I commit to upgrading a minimum of one gravel road to a sealed road each year.

Far Share for Ipswch

3. Environmental protections

Stop the Stink – enclosed composting must be legislated

We have had enough! Our community is beyond frustrated with the nuisance waste odours that have been impacting residents for many years. Our community should not be experiencing these issues. I will continue to lobby and collaborate with the State government to legislate that all composting sites must be enclosed if within 10 km of a residential area.


Update the Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive

The Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive was adopted by Council in December 2020. It has been an invaluable policy to drive change. I will ensure that this is updated with community consultation.


Greener Community Program

The program provides solutions that conserve our natural and built environment. I commit to:

  • Support a growing network of community gardens and city farms 

  • Suburb Beautification Program - Streetscape and boulevard planting projects in:

    • Camira

    • Collingwood Park

    • Booval

    • Brassall

    • Goodna

    • Leichhardt

    • North Ipswich

    • One Mile

    • Raceview

    • Riverview

    • Rosewood


Implement Waste Reduction Initiatives

Expanded recycling programs and waste reduction strategies to minimise environmental impact and promote a circular economy. I commit to:

  • Build a material recovery facility with Logan and Redlands city councils so that we may sort and on sell the contents of our yellow top bins to manufacturers

  • City wide rollout of Food Organics, Garden Organics (FOGO) – only if the supplier has enclosed composting facilities

  • Red top bins will continue to be picked up weekly


Recycle Mart or tip shop

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. I will build a Recycle Mart or ‘tip shop’ within the new Southern Resource Recovery Centre and partner with community groups to increase recycling in our community and provide a source of income for community groups.


Sustainable Affordable Urban Planning

Develop affordable eco-friendly urban planning strategies, emphasizing green spaces, walkability, social equity and energy-efficient infrastructure. I commit to adopting and implementing Ipswich Plan 2024 and a Local Government Infrastructure Plan that plans for sustainable growth.


Enhance Community Resilience

Ensure communities are resilient to environmental and economic challenges. I commit to:


  • Build new Rosewood SES facility close to Ipswich City Council’s depot in Mill Street. Access to the current facility on Rosewood Warrill View Road often floods which makes accessing during heavy rains and floods an issue. The population in the Rosewood, Thagoona, Walloon corridor is growing rapidly and will require a larger facility. This move will also allow the Rosewood pool to be upgraded to a 50 metre pool

  • Expand flood camera network to provide residents with up to date information


Continue to support Voluntary Home Buy Back Scheme.

This scheme will return nearly 300 lots of heavily flood impacted homes and land to council.  I will conduct community consultation on how we can best utilise these new green spaces.  Parklands, community gardens and new or expanded sporting facilities would be a great way for our community to enjoy these spaces.


Resilient Rivers Initiative

I commit to continued active participation of the Resilient Rivers Initiative and Catchment Action Plans.

Environmental Protections

4. Thriving communities

Continue Grants Office

I commit to provide continuing support for the Grants Office.


I made a commitment in 2020 to create a Grants Office to support our local community, sporting and business groups. This has been delivered. Since July 2020, council has provided $7.415m in grants to local community, sporting and business groups. Council has also delivered 20 Grant Writing Workshops since 2020 and another four are scheduled for 2024.


Continue Stronger Communities Program

To date 270 community and sporting groups have participated in this program. I commit to continuing the Stronger Communities Program to build capability and empower our local community groups.


Leverage sporting and community opportunities

I commit to exploring more opportunities to capitalise on the Brighton Homes Arena facility and having the Brisbane Lions men’s and women’s team headquartered in Ipswich.


Incorporate a ‘community office’ in new libraries and community centres

Apart from Brisbane City Council, no other Queensland council has divisional offices for councillors, primarily due to the high costs. The cost to Ipswich residents for the previous councillor’s offices was $8 million over a four year term. It is far better that this is spent on delivering services for residents.


Over the next 10 years, council will need to build a new library in Springfield Central and Ripley as well build a new community centre in Rosewood. I commit to ensuring that a ‘community office’ will be incorporated into the new buildings.  These can be used by councillors when meeting with residents and will be bookable for residents to use.

5. Promote economic development and jobs growth

Support Local Businesses

We are now attracting business investment back to Ipswich.  In the 12 months ending 30 June 2022 the Ipswich Gross Regional Product reached $12.183 billion – the first time the city’s economy has surpassed $12 billion.


We need to ensure economic growth benefits all residents. I commit to:

  • Maintain the ‘Buy Ipswich’ procurement policy this Council adopted in July 2020, increasing council’s local spend

  • Continue to publish council’s ‘order book’ or forward procurement schedule 18 months in advance to assist local businesses with their planning and tendering opportunities

  • Continue to partner with Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce and Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce to support local businesses

  • Continue to waiver footpath dining fees for local cafes and restaurants

  • Continue to support the defence industry, manufacturing, health and education sectors to grow through partnerships like the Aviation Australia / TAFE / TAE and ICC partnership


Attract new business investment in Ipswich

Ipswich needs to attract business investment to provide future jobs for our growing population as well to provide goods and services for our growing population. I commit to:


  • Implement the Hotel and Short Term Accommodation Action Plan to continue to grow our tourist visitation and ensure we are well placed to take full advantage of the Brisbane 2032 Games

  • Continue active leasing program in Nicholas Street Precinct

  • Boost Advocacy program and networking opportunities to attract new investment


Boost event attraction to Ipswich

Ipswich successfully hosts and supports CMC Rocks, Winternationals, Ipswich Cup, The Gathering, Eastern Rumble, Ipswich Show and many other events. Council also partners with businesses and community groups to run six Ipswich Festivals: SPARK Ipswich, Festival of Horsepower, Christmas in Ipswich, Galvanized, Venture and Planes, Trains and Autos.


These events bring millions of dollars into our economy as well as provide fantastic events for Ipswich residents. I commit to:

  • Continuing to attract and support current headline events

  • Attract V8 Supercars back to Ipswich – I have been in discussions with Queensland Raceway for over two years to attract V8 Supercars back to Ipswich in 2025. I will continue to support Queensland Raceway in attracting this event back to Ipswich.

  • Add a Christmas parade to the Christmas in Ipswich program. I will conduct an open expression of interest in the community and council will partner with a local community group to deliver this festive parade

  • Supporting community led lapping events in Ipswich Central and Nicholas Street Precinct. I will continue to work with local car clubs and car enthusiasts to support lapping events. Continue to conduct Park n Pose events in the Nicholas Street Precinct

Thriving communities
Economic Development & Jobs Growth

6. Transparency and good governance

Dignity of civic leadership

This Council has worked hard to bring back dignity to the Office of the Mayor and to Council. It has been a hard slog to rebuild our reputation in the community, other levels government and with business and event attraction. I will continue to lead with transparency, integrity and dignity.


Encourage More Civic Engagement

Ipswich City Council is now the most open and transparent council in Australia. Our next step is to foster more community involvement in decision-making processes, ensuring diverse perspectives contribute to sustainable growth initiatives. I commit to:

  • Continuing support to Ipswich Youth Advisory Council, Creators of Ipswich Summit and Ipswich Arts Advisory Group.

  • Expand Community Panels and community engagement program


Continue to be the most open and transparent council in Australia

Ipswich City Council has received two national awards for setting the gold standard in Australia for our approach to transparency reforms and the accountability of officials elected to local government.


I commit to continuing the following reforms and will continue to engage with residents on other ways we can continue on our path of transparency and accountability:


Financially sustainable council

On 21 August 2018 the Queensland Parliament unanimously voted to dismiss Ipswich City Council due to “widespread failures of governance, a lack of transparency and accountability and a serious risk of corruption”.


The Queensland Government also noted, “that some individual councillors may not have been directly involved in or aware of the extent of some practices, they were none the less during their time as councillors part of a collective body that was accountable for the good management of the Council, as entrusted to them by the voters and ratepayers of Ipswich.


Last year, Ipswich City Council recorded its strongest result in almost a decade following an independent assessment of its financial governance. The result is part of an independent financial audit tabled in Queensland Parliament earlier this month by the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) as part of its Local Government 2022 report. In 2019, only one of council’s controls was considered by the Auditor-General to be effective. This year all five were rated as effective. I commit to:


Actively manage debt to benefit residents

This Council inherited a debt of $328.8 million when it commenced in 2020. The current debt policy is $403.2 million. Queensland councils are only permitted to borrow from Queensland Treasury Corporation and these borrowings must be for capital projects.


As a fast growing council, council will have debt for at least the next 10 years to build vital infrastructure  for our community. It is imperative that Ipswich receives it’s fair share of funding from the State and Federal governments for this growth. It is not fair that this burden is placed on the hip pockets of Ipswich residents.


Ipswich City Council has borrowed money to pay for major projects such as the Nicholas Street Precinct, Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial Duplication Project, Redbank Plains Road Upgrade and will borrow money for the Ripley Road and Fischer Road Upgrade.


Regarding the Nicholas Street Precinct. After a decade of neglect and a loss of over $78 million by the previous council, Nicholas Street Precinct is now an income producing asset that our community has embraced. It is this Council’s intention to redevelop, refurbish, lease and ultimately sell properties within the precinct once the precinct is redeveloped and fully functioning, to get the best commercial return on investment possible for Ipswich residents.


Accountability for council’s performance

Councillors have three main levers to ensure that council delivers quality services for residents. They are:

  • decide the budget

  • approve strategies and policies

  • hire chief executive officer and conduct annual performance appraisals of the CEO


The Queensland government investigation into the previous council found significant governance failures in all three areas. Controlled entities were set up to hide extravagant travel expenses. Policies were approved that breached the Local Government Act and annual performance reviews were not conducted on the CEOs. I commit to:


  • Continue the budget and decision making transparency measures implemented since 2020

  • All strategies and policies will comply with the Local Government Act and be approved at open council meetings

  • Conduct, at least annually, performance appraisals of the CEO in accordance with the Local Government Act and council’s policy.

Transparency & Good Governanc
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